- Presidential Election
- No Electricity in South Africa
- Brooks Museum (Patron Dinner)
- Cell Phone Texting banned while driving
- Gas Price Inflation
- Rebate checks
- Olympic Torch Relay
- Earthquake In China
- Ukraine wants to Join Nato
- Tornados in the Mid-West
10 Things I Love
- Bernhard
- My Family
- My Dogs, Brutus, Sheba, Freckles
- Wine
- Museums
- Nature
- Good Films
- Art History
- Music
- Sushi and other good foods
- Freedom of Choice
- Traveling
10 Ongoing Debates
- American Soviet Relation
- Gay Marriage
- Abortion
- Consolidating High Schools
- Prison Systems
- Gay Adoption
- Electoral College
- Health Care
- Use of Memphis Pyramid
Personal Interest
- Running
- Drinking
- Socializing
- Singing
- Playing with Fire
- Dancing
- Swimming
- Painting
- Drawing
- Designing
- Reading
10 Things that Might happen in the FUTURE
- Further Advances in Technology
- Better forms of Communication
- Better Automobiles
- a Pandemic of Biblical Proportions
- Universal Health-Care
- A harmless Virus that mutates in a deadly form, it could be a new strain of the flu like that of 1918 that spreads with unprecedented speed across the globe.
- Overthrow of Government
- Catastrophic harvest leading to Massive famine.
- Unusual volcanic activity leading to devastating atmospheric conditions and extreme weather like that of 1816.
10 Things I hate
- People driving Large SUV's for no real productive purpose.
- Ignorance of Society and Politics
- Third world regimes with total government control. ex myanmar
- Republicans. ex: a Wonderful group of people, who think they are all winners on the american pyramid scheme.
- Spoiled Rich Kids
- Lack of Exercise
- Court Systems in Memphis
- Memphis Gangs
- Theft in Memphis
- Un-educated
- Over Obsession with Anime
- Faulty Health Foods
- Lack of Health Insurance
10 Subjects I don't understand or care that much for
- Celebrity Obsession
- Politics Locally
- Political Debates
- Obsession with Fetishes ex: Furry
- Latest High Fashion Trends
- Fast Food
- Republican Tax Breaks
- Team Sports
- Rap Music
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